How a password manager will save you time and money

In today’s IT world, your staff must be aware of careless password habits. From post-it notes stuck onto computer screens, to easy-to-guess ‘forgotten password’ clues. The risk of a security breach could be devastating for your business, so ensuring you have a password manager is crucial to your cyber security strategy.

Here’s how a password manager, such as 1Password provided by Think Connect, can streamline security, save money, and improve efficiency across your business.

Reducing IT Support Costs

By storing and auto-filling passwords, a password manager eliminates forgotten password incidents, the most common reason employees contact IT. Built-in recovery features allow staff to reset accounts without IT help, freeing up resources.

Improving Productivity and Efficiency

Password managers speed up access to accounts by storing credentials securely, saving employees time. Shared vaults ensure teams can access shared tools efficiently, improving collaboration.

Reducing Security Incidents and Breach Costs

Strong passwords are enforced automatically, reducing hacking risks. Many managers integrate with multi-factor authentication and monitor for breaches, allowing quick action to secure compromised accounts.

Ensuring Compliance and Reducing Liability

Audit trails and controlled permissions simplify compliance and protect sensitive data. This reduces the risk of unauthorised access and helps businesses avoid fines.

If you’d like help selecting or implementing a password management solution, we’re happy to advise.

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